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Will You Accept This Rose?

Good evening, Kaleidoscope nation. We're coming to you live from the North Shore of Massachusetts. This is the last stop on this wild, wild journey. Tonight, the shocking finale of the most dramatic Kaleidoscope interview process yet comes to an end. We're so glad you're joining us for what will be the most exciting blog post ever. This season of life has already been full of so many twists and turns. Who will we choose, and how will this love story end?

We were in one of the hardest situations we'd ever been in in our entire lives. Our hearts were literally split between two women. I can honestly say, in all my years at this organization, this has been the most insane, craziest, most amazing, most beautiful, toughest, but most amazing journey so far.

At Kaleidoscope, we compare the hiring process to dating, just because we compare everything to dating. After all, they both involve getting to know each other, figuring out if you want to take the next steps, and then ultimately, commitment! There's the daunting task of the search–in the first place: where do you start? Where do you look? What criteria are you looking for? And then, that thrilling first choice: the one you’ve always had your eye on, who seems so perfect in every way, whom you've been dreaming about for years. But hark! What ho? No go? It can't be! That devastating blow of first rejection hits hard. (*Nobody* wants to be sent home on the first night, am I right??) Of course, there's the classic "It's not you, it's me." And then that mortifying realization that you have to start the search all over again.

But, not to fear–similar to Jason, Arie, and Pilot Pete in that we didn’t endup with our first choice (but not similar in that we’re not jerks and would never do that to anyone)–we ended up with a second chance at love (and professional success). Just like the best partners, this one came recommended by people we trust. We spotted each other across the room (of the internet) and finally got to meet in person. And suddenly, everything made so much sense about the path that led us here–the broken road, if you will. Everything during final interview week built up in classic Bachelorette fashion. Megan essentially had her home-town date, where she got to meet our family (the board), see the North Shore in person, and even get some quality group and one-on-one dates in. She even told us exactly what we needed to hear: "I just feel like this week really gave me the clarity I needed on my journey. And...I can honestly say that I really feel like I'm starting to fall in love with you!" As it turned out, Megan was exactly what we were looking for in a wife (business partner), and we couldn't have been more excited to offer her the final rose.

We are thrilled to announce that Megan accepted our proposal, during one nerve-wracking moment in Honeycomb (where we take all of our dates, honestly), and I instantly experienced that stomach drop that comes with commitment. But she said yes! Megan is just the best. She's driven, ambitious, professional, polished, hilarious, vulnerable, thoughtful, well-spoken, encouraging, and an amazing gift-giver. We are so thrilled to have her as part of this team and family and so grateful that she accepted the final rose.

Megan is an all-around TCK expert who grew up in 6 countries and has lived in 4 more as an adult (plus 5 U.S. States!). A snapshot of her professional journey working with TCKs includes: co-founding a nonprofit for U.S. diplomat TCKs, working with Interaction International running their TCK Transitions Seminars and university retreats, co-leading Intercultural Dialogue groups at American University, and getting 2 Master’s degrees in TCK-identity themes. We are so proud to have her as our very own Business Manager. She is coming on board to grow our expertise, advise on all things policy, and equip us to get our systems and strategies in order. Meet Megan! We love her already, and we know you will, too.